
ah, just when you thought it was safe to wake up in the morning, grab a hot cup of coffee that was made only moments ago and sit down to flip open the wall street journal and take in as much business news as possible without political propaganda...WHAM BAM, THANK YOU RUP!

the wsj takeover is complete and now not only can we not watch television news, we are now forced to find an alternative business paper - it's only a matter of time before reporters are told and forced to slant articles to the right - a large restructuring is in the works at the wsj headquarters, just wait and see.

so, instead of reading my paper this morning, i walked out onto the back patio and set it a flame - after standing there with my arms on my hips like superman, looking at the ashes, seemingly proud of making my stand for the far left today - i simply went back into the house, called and canceled my subscription - i refuse to have any part of the right-wing agenda - it's brainwashing - stephen king's fiction is becoming non.

the wsj will soon become the 'river', because that's what we're all up.

hope you have a paddle.

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