Hi bloggers! I know, I'm talking to myself - but hey, it's ok, as long as I don't answer myself, right? Right. (wait...)

Ah... TGIF. I'm so glad Friday made it here. It's been a busy week at work and I'm looking forward to taking it easy this weekend. No softball tournaments, no kiddos. Don't you just live for weekends like that?

I'm planning on spending some time at the batting cages this afternoon. (Ugh, my hitting performance at last night's game was simply horrid!) Then I'll head over to a friend's house, play some cornhole, cards and eat some BBQ! Maybe even take a dip in the pool. Basically lounge around and have a little fun.

Oh gosh, I just realized I need to update my photos - maybe I'll take a few pictures this weekend too.

So, whether it's reading a book or washing your car... do a little something for yourself this weekend. And most of all, have fun!


i am not a proud american today. mr. bush is selling the war in iraq - again. and we are still not buying it. mr. bush has systemically eroded our civil liberties in the name of patriotism and freedom. he has sanctioned rendition and torture in defiance of the geneva conventions. he has distorted the truth, disregarded intelligence reports, breached international law, and outright lied. is this the freedom for which our brave soldiers gave up their lives?

you should be outraged too

my girls

well, today i'm admitting one of my guilty pleasures - the golden girls. and yes, i'm talking about the 80's television hit sitcom. gosh, what would i do without Lifetime, "the television for those who claim to watch ESPN and SpikeTV (and do, most of the time), but won't publicly admit they watch." the golden girls reruns... a comedy like no other - they just don't make 'em like this anymore. and with the addition of my FAVORITE thing, tivo, i usually have 3-5 shows awaiting my attention when i get home from work.

ah... the golden girls: bed-hopping blanche, quick-witted sophia, wise, strong and man-troubled dorothy and sensitive, carefree, mindless rose. i have, shamefully and proudly, seen every episode (at least 20 times... and counting.) the only other thing i have seen more times... (my other guilty pleasure - the movie, Steel Magnolias.)

ah... the golden girls: my daily dinner guests. after a long day in the office, i come home - usually stopping at some fast food restaurant (well... 'fast' is stretching it), change into something more comfortable, plop down and go straight to the 'now playing list' on tivo - and there they are - my girls. no matter how bad a day - my girls - are there to make it all better.

today was the rerun of the show's finale - i cried. gosh, i'm such a sap... without a life!

campaign ads vs. tivo

well, they have begun - the campaign ads, both locally and nationally and all i can say is that i have never been so thankful for tivo. after the last mud slinging, name calling, finger pointing fiasco, i'm happy to be able to zip right through them this year. trust me, you aren't going to make a decision on how to vote for from an television ad - go online, do research, look at previous voting histories - learn more about who you want to put into office. yea, i know - the people's vote doesn't account for much - we learned that when Gore won, but didn't - but remember, you can't complain or praise for that matter, if you don't vote.

unfortunately, i live in "kentuckiana" (kentucky & indiana ohio valley region) - where campaign ads from both Kentucky and Indiana are televised - double my pleasure. and before tivo, i had to result to channel-flipping, which you can imagine, will drive anyone else in the room screaming for another television set to watch. but no more - no more accidental thumb injuries, no more screaming back at the poorly technicolored, idiotic, mind numbing , clueless republicans - my savor is now my tivo - and if he (yes, he - tivo is family, he's become one of my closest friends) fails me - there are two more just like him in other rooms. so bring d'em ads on... i'll be zipping through them like they were useless orbit chewing gum ads

rise up

i'm in one of the moods today

i'm sick and tired of this administration

we, as American's, need to use our 1st amendment right

stand up against this tyrant